Disney Zootopia: School Days is a graphic novel that tells two stories from the childhoods of Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde in comic book form. The book's stories serve as a sort of prequel to the film Zootopia.
Official Description[]
Young Judy Hopps and young Nick Wilde create learning experiences for themselves and others in two stories created especially for younger readers!
Judy and her friend, Will the Wombat, take a school field trip to the Bunnyburrow Carrot Museum. When the teacher announces a fun scavenger hunt for the class, Judy and Will team up--but class bully, Gideon, has a devious plan of his own to steal the game. Judy and Will must use their wit and finesse to win the game the honest way and to teach Gideon a lesson. Nick has an overactive imagination and he just can't concentrate in class. When the teacher tells him he must get a perfect score on his math lesson, Nick must use his many talents to get through the most difficult obstacle yet - homework!
This story collection from writer Jimmy Gownley (Amelia Rules!) and artist Leandro Ricardo da Silva, with colors by Wes Dzioba (Serenity, Star Wars: Invasion, Aliens vs. Predator: Three World War) and letters by Chris Dickey (Cable, X-Men: The Hidden Years), collects two stories from the world of Zootopia. They're written especially for younger readers, but will appeal to fans of all ages! Bonus story-related activities and special features are also included in this volume.
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