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Officer Judy Hopps This article is or has been the Featured Article on the Zootopia Wiki!

Meanwhile, a peace rally organized by pop star Gazelle was marred by protest.
―Peter Moosebridge

Gazelle's peace rally is a protest organized by Gazelle in an attempt to preserve peace throughout the city in Zootopia. It takes place in Savanna Central.

Role in the Film[]

Gazelle's rally is seen shortly after the press conference regarding the behavior of the missing mammals on ZNN, as Peter Moosebridge and Fabienne Growley cover it. Gazelle, a few of her tiger dancers, and several other predators, as well as a few prey mammals, stand on a large platform and talk to the crowd surrounding them carrying signs and megaphones.

The Frantic pig, present at the rally, is seen yelling at a leopard that resembles Stephanie Stalkinew, telling her to "go back to the forest", to which the leopard retorts "I'm from the savanna!" The two engage in a fierce argument and Judy Hopps tries in vain to break them up.

Gazelle herself is later seen telling a reporter that seeing predators and prey not getting along makes her sad and that this is not the Zootopia she knows anymore. She asks for the Zootopia she loves to be restored.


Name Position Picture


Because social prejudice is one of the themes explored in Zootopia, the film contains examples of prejudice that come from our own society such as "Right to Refuse" being used to discriminate, "Only rabbits can use the word cute" or "Some of my best friends are predators".

The peace rally contains a subtle example of the prejudice "They all look alike to me" in the heated exchange between the pig and leopard protester. It also showcases the common occurrence in protests involving those perceived as foreigners to be told to "go back to their home country" if they don't like it here.

The fur spotting of a leopard and a jaguar are quite similar and while both species can live in the rain forest, the jaguar is more common in that habitat and leopards are more prevalent in the savanna.

The pig protester by yelling "Go back to the forest, predator" is ignorantly assuming that his target is a jaguar and her indignant response of "I'm from the savanna" is her asserting that she's a leopard and takes offense at being seen as just some kind of spotted cat.


  • It's been established that Barry DiCaprio and Stephanie Stalkinew have been found but are still savage at the time of the rally, however, their character models are reused to be attendees of the rally.
  • Although Rich Moore has tweeted that Frantic Pig is the pig protester at the peace rally, there are notable visual differences that suggest the animators were not firmly directed to keep these two appearances consistent resulting in a continuity error. The protester pig has a more rounded face with a small chin and light blue eyes while Frantic Pig has a more oblong face with a larger chin and dark green eyes.


v - e - dEvents


Carrot Days Talent ShowCarrot Days FestivalJudy's Graduation CeremonyIcingFru Fru's WeddingGazelle's Peace RallyNick's Graduation CeremonyGazelle's ConcertSkunk Appreciation ParadeRage 'n' Rave ParadeZoo Year's Eve

Real Life

Discovering Zootopia at Conservation StationHappy CircleZootopia Premiere
