"The Missing Carrot", also known as "The Carrot Caper", is a comic based on Zootopia. It is featured in the Zootopia Comics Collection.
- Judy Hopps, a rabbit
- Bonnie and Stu Hopps, a rabbit couple
- Bongo, a rabbit
- Bella Hackles, a rabbit
- Earl Hackles, a rabbit
- The Stoutheart family, a rodent couple
The Hopps find that their prized carrot, which they had been growing for the blue ribbon at the county fair, has gone missing. Bongo suggests the Hopps forfeit the contest, but Judy Hopps starts investigating the disappearance, realizing the carrot was stolen.
Judy accuses Earl Hackles of stealing the carrot upon finding his footprints near the barn leading to the Hackles farm. Judy concedes that as the tracks fade out before they actually reach the barn, they could have been going anywhere and resumes her investigation. Earl Hackles points out that his family does not use shovels with heart-shaped handles, and this leads her to the Stoutheart family.
The Hopps confront the Stouthearts who confirm the shovel is theirs but as they grow beets, they would have no reason to steal the carrot. Stu Hopps suggests the shovel was used to break the lock on the barn. The Hopps head for the contest, realizing it's about to start, but are too late as the Hackles win the blue ribbon.
Judy realizes that Bongo likes Bella and that he was the one who stole the carrot. Bongo confesses that he stole and buried the carrot because he wanted Bella to win the contest because he just wanted to see Bella smile for a change.
- In the Zootopia Comics Collection, the comic is titled "The Carrot Caper".
- In the bottom-left panel of the second page, Hackles is mispelled as "Hackens."
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