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Hello, my fellow Zootopians! Prepare to get Z.A.P.ped! It's time for this week's edition of the Zootopia Appreciation Post, or Z.A.P. for short. Every Saturday, I'm gonna be posting a different Zootopia-related topic that we can all discuss.

For today's topic, I would like to talk about Victor.

Victor Box

This post is for this week.

In Case 4: Missing Opossum Report, Judy and Nick are assigned to solve the mysterious disappearance of the body of Victor, who was reported to recently have passed away at the hospital. Kevin the orderly was the last known mammal to see Victor.

Later, they find a dirty document in Victor's room which is a life insurance policy signed by Lance the bank teller. He tells them he delivered them to his boss, Louise, who is in charge of Victor's finances, his insurance agent. Judy and Nick find documents in Lemming Brothers Bank and discover that they were signed by both Victor and Louise.

Later, they learn that Victor bought a train ticket when he checked into the hospital. They look at the receipt and see that it was sold to him by Janine. They question Janine about Victor at Savanna Central Station, who says he came by to pick it up a minute ago and shows them where he is.

They see Victor alive and question him on why he was pronounced dead in the hospital. Victor seems surprised at this revelation, saying that he's "fit as a fiddle." They go back to the hospital and find a pile of medical records. They find Victor's medical record and learn that he has amnesia and narcolepsy. Judy asks Victor if he could have been wrongly presumed dead because of his narcolepsy. Victor says he falls asleep pretty deep and is hard to rouse. Nick asks if this is "playing possum", and Victor says that it could indeed be called that. He goes on to say how he wakes up in the strangest places, often a hospital, and he let himself out this time.

After the case is solved, Victor asks Judy and Nick to find his medicine for his amnesia at Savanna Central Station, but then forgets what he was talking about and asks who they are. Judy and Nick find a pill bottle in a garbage bin, and after cleaning it up, they return it to Victor, who has forgotten about them and the medicine.

So, what do you guys think? Sound off in the comments below!